I'm not going to lie, I've been trying to finish this post for the last 3 (!) weeks. On long train rides, at airport lounges, at home with a glass of wine.. it just seemed impossible. Well today everything was going wrong and I realised that the only thing that keeps me sane is this little online space which is all mine, every little piece of it belongs to me and who I am.. so here I am, sharing a new blog post about sofas cushions and how you can play with them. The more I work in Interiors the more I learn to appreciate cushions and lamps (but hopefully I can share more on lamps on another post). If you feel like updating your house start with the cushions; it is the easiest and probably the only way that you're not going to break the bank. Today I'm showing you how the same sofa, with the same lamps and side tables can transform completely just by changing the cushions. So if you're like me you and you can't live in a space that looks the same all year long, cushions are you secret weapon!
Have a lovely day!
If you like any of the product in the photos, click on the photo that will redirect you to the desired item.
PS: I made my very first gif, how fun is this? (Or is it extremely annoying? Are those messy cushions on the sofa making you want to jump in your screen and redecorate them too? I'd love to know your thoughts!)
Have a lovely day!
If you like any of the product in the photos, click on the photo that will redirect you to the desired item.
PS: I made my very first gif, how fun is this? (Or is it extremely annoying? Are those messy cushions on the sofa making you want to jump in your screen and redecorate them too? I'd love to know your thoughts!)