Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Styling Recipe: Books in the kitchen

Just a quick post before I catch my train from Kings Cross to say how much I adore books in the kitchen. So intellectual and fun at the same time. Do try it if you have enough space! I have design related books all over the apartment, but lately I've added some cooking books in my small kitchen library! Do you have any books in your kitchen?

Have a good day!


Images via my Pinterest board 'Let's read' // Edited by me.


  1. I love colourful cook books in the kitchen on display! Not only practical, but decorative too! Happy day!

  2. I also love cookbooks in the kitchen! I would like to display my collection, but I may have too many (or not enough space in the kitchen!). I bought a console table a few weeks ago and now they're in the dining room. In addition to bringing colors, I think cookbooks bring a warmth to a room.

    1. I couldn't agree more! They bring so much warmth to a room, I don't think there is a room in my home that hasn't got books in it!

  3. That's a really cool idea! Especially if all the books aren't cook books, but there's novels and such. Might have to think about this, since at the moment we have no place for any of my books! ^^

    Indie by heart
    (GFC is shutting down - follow me on Bloglovin')

  4. Hang a mirror that has small nick-knack shelves in front of it. Use a strong wire connected to the frame on each side then hang over a strong screw you put into the stud. I think they are called Box Mirrors.


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