Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Erase your past.

People say : "You can't erase your past, you just have to face it and then accept it"
I just found out that you can actually delete it.

This calender will give you the pleasure to watch every single day of the year being destroyed. Sadly this is only a fictional (for now) product designed by Susanna Hertrich.

-via Cubeme-



  1. ok thats is not what we call a post, it is just a nonsence comment to a photo

  2. It is most convenient to hide behind the anonymous identity and comment on "nonsenSe" (please spell-check before hitting send).
    I'm sure the creator of this blog can very much reply to you but i wanted to do it first, since i happened to see this comment. Blogging is a way of expressing oneself, either that is by writing poems, posting video clips, commenting ON a new design (yeah, not "to") or simply writing about your day. So, until you give us your own blogspot (since you apprently identify yourself as a blogger; "WE call a post"), WE (the readers of this blog) will refrain from listening to nonsense by nobodies.
    Goodbye and good luck

  3. (to kat)i am sorry but your english level is too low to understand what u re trying to say and you are just making your friend-blogger feel emmbarased about your arrogance , sorry my greek friend i didnt wanna make u strangle to speak in english ..(to blogger) i like ur blog very much thats why i read it , but I I was expecting more from this cool blogger . sorry again if I made u feel bad , I got used to nice big and further detailed posts thats the reason i made this comment . kisses ....ahhh and sorry but after your friends huge greek-english comment i feel that u dont want us to read your blog and be honest with u , we are used to critisize blogs we like so as to become better and better , but i guess u dont accept this and it is more of a friend-like to like blog .. bye marimar u got really good taste on interior design subjects .

  4. hey people, peace !
    It was a small post due to my studies.I thought it would be better to post a small one than nothing at all!
    Detailed one coming up ;) cheers

  5. You just can't .... So true !! But sometimes as much as it hurts , you don't really want to erase it !! After all , it's our little treasure :)


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