Monday, September 24, 2012

DIY Monday: Paper ribbon flags

Every new week is a new beginning, it's a chance to set new goals and celebrate the present. During the weekend I was going through my pins on Pinterest and found this image and it inspired me immediately. I always had a thing about paper ribbon flags and anything that has to do with parties and decorations. This is super easy you can make it in just two minutes. You'll need wooden skewers and three-cm-wide paper strings.
I used my favorite kind of paper: brown recycled paper and they were about 20cm length. When the little flags were ready, I trimmed the ends so they looked like proper flags.

You can use them on the top of a small cheese muffin like I did on the first picture (Recipe here) or on the top of a birthday cake or your favorite treats (pancakes, cupcakes etc) and write wishes and inspiring words on them! I hope you'll take two minutes and find out yourself how easy it is to make these flags!

Happy DIY Monday everybody! 

Images taken by me.


  1. Maria that is such a sweet idea :)
    Miss you!

  2. You are way too crafty - these are adorable!!

  3. These are gorgeous Maria! Have a great week :)

    Abbey x


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