Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Styling Recipe: Clothes rails

These are some images I've collected as inspiration for my new apartment here in London. It's a double studio and I don't have a lot of storage, so I'm trying to find different ways to store all of the jackets/dress and shoes I've brought with me. At this point I have books and shoes lying around the floor and the boyfriend complains all the time about them. I'm currently looking for minimalistic clothes rail on ebay and on the IKEA website but I haven't decided which one suits me best. I have to decide between this one, this one and this one. What do you think? 
Are you a big fan of exposed storage units?
I love everything that reminds me of industrial lofts!


photo credits 1 | 2a | 2b | 3


  1. Ξεκίνησα μαθήματα μικροβιολογίας, αλλά δεν χρειάζεται κάτι τόσο εξειδικευμένο για να καταλάβει κανείς πόση σκόνη κλπ κλπ κλπ θα συσσωρεύεται πάνω στα ρούχα σου..Θα τρελαθείς στο πλύσιμο..!
    Ή ακόμα κι αν επιμένεις τουλάχιστον έχε έξω μόνο μπουφάν,παλτά και τετοια..Και να σου θυμήσω αυτό το progect με τις σκάλες (για τα παπούτσια το λέω) που είναι τέλειο! Από αυτά τα 3 εμένα μου αρέσει το PORTIS πιο πολύ!
    ΧΧ :]

  2. these are really great ideas, especially if you are short on space. my sister got some good quality clothes racks from ikea. :)

    <3, Mimi
    Fashion To Figure Giveaway

  3. Έχεις απόλυτο δίκιο αλλά αγαπώ τόσο πολύ αυτή την αισθητική σε ένα σπίτι, όλο το "βιομηχανικό", τύπου λοφτ κλπ που νομίζω δε θα με πειράζει να είμαι με το ξεσκονόπανο! Προς το παρόν το studio μου είναι αρκετά μικρό, είναι θέμα μίας ώρας το να λάμπει ολόκληρο!

  4. Great inspiration. I'm waiting to get my rack soon ^^

    Also love the piles of magazines, I have those in the living room.

    - Indie by Heart

    Join Birthday GIVEAWAY

  5. Storage is an issue over here in Cali as well. I am constantly donating things to Good Will as I can't stand clutter and we have no storage.

    I like the simplicity and minimalist look of rack number 3. That is the one I would go with.

    I love all your cute little bears :)

  6. check out also this one:

  7. Nice Post. I really like your post and idea, if don't have much space Or wardrobes full. can use Cloth Rails as Wardrobes. Thanks for sharing with us it's give me good info. I have a name here you can easily find out clothe rails and accessory according your need.

  8. Storage is an issue for me too! You'd think having too many clothes would put me off buying any more so my flat doesn't look cluttered, but I just bought a clothes rail instead!

  9. I'm currently looking for minimalistic clothes rail on ebay and on the IKEA website but I haven't decided which one suits me best. closets toronto


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