Saturday, January 14, 2012

Styling Recipe: Art in the Kitchen

When it comes to kitchen areas I have only one rule: Add some Art! A kitchen with no Art in it is like food with no spices! It's just wrong and tasteless. Add a few frames with some inspirational quotes or hang your favorite picture! I gathered some of my favorite kitchen areas with small Art details for you, I hope they will inspire you!
Do you have any special "rules" for our kitchen decor?
Enjoy this Saturday!

photo sources 1/2/3


  1. poso maresoun oi kouzines!!!! an k den ksero na mageireuw maresei na apolamvano wres kathontas se mia omorfi zesti k aneti kouzina!!! eidika trwgontas to prwino (i kaluteri stigmi tis meras!).
    Nomizo pos tin kouzina mou tha tin ithela kapws san tin teleutaia eikona, aspra ksilina doulapia me pago apo ksilo kai skoura ksilina patomata. Nomizo ta prasina futa teriazoun apolita me to ksilo opote ine ena must stin kouzina! k epidi genika maresei na fenontai ta pragmata mou kai protimo na min exo apothikeutikous xorous, tha eixa kai ena duo rafia opou sauta tha evaza ta pio vintage piata!

  2. Είναι πολύ ωραία να έχεις τα πράγματα στην κουζίνα να φαίνονται αλλά επειδή το βιώνω τώρα είναι πολύ κουραστικό και μαζεύουν απίστευτη σκόνη, δυστυχώς!
    thank you for your comment despina!

  3. Great idea! Those frames do look fabulous :)

    Abbey x

  4. I totally agree... art in the kitchen. I think art anywhere and everywhere! Love your images!


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